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Program Managers

Program Managers oversee multiple projects and initiatives. They coordinate with different teams and departments within the organization to ensure that all strategies, goals, and objectives are aligned with their client's objectives. The Program Manager is also responsible for communication between management and clients throughout the project life cycle. Their main duty is to monitor progress, manage resources, and make sure that the project meets deadlines. They also provide ongoing guidance and advice to help ensure successful completion of the project.

They provide high-level guidance for teams across an organization, setting strategic goals and coordinating operations to ensure company goals are met. With careful planning and execution, program managers help organizations stay productive and focused by guiding each team with strong leadership. 

Finding a qualified Program Manager isn’t easy. Bambo X has over 10 years of experience hiring Program Managers for corporates, consultancies, startups, new ventures, accelerators, and incubators. Our network of talent ranges from Program Managers working across innovation, brand strategy, consulting, service and product innovation, and product and software development.


Polígono 139

Program Manager, Project Manager, Head of Program Management, Head of Production, Project Lead, Operations Lead, Senior Program Manager, Client Services Manager, Head of Program Management, Project Management Lead

& Skills

Polígono 134

Communication, Organizations, Overseeing Timelines, Waterfall, Agile, Lean Startup, Scrum, Software Development, Client Management, Strategy

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