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Business Analysts

Business Analysts help organizations evaluate current operations and discover the most optimized strategic plans for overall success. It involves in-depth knowledge of both the organization and trends in the industry and economy as a whole. Business Analysts can help organizations analyze data and discover new ways to increase efficiency.

A strong Business Analyst can work with complex data, evaluate the business model, design new processes, and examine systems. It requires the ability to carefully inspect every moving piece of a company, from IT to finance to employee development strategies. All business operations are reviewed, analyzed, and optimized to assist the company with boosting productivity while reducing cost. With careful planning and execution, a Business Analyst can help organizations maximize effectiveness through data-driven decisions. 

Finding a qualified Business Analyst isn’t easy. Bamboo X has over 10 years of experience hiring Business Analysts for corporates, consultancies, startups, new ventures, accelerators, and incubators.


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Business Analyst, Senior Analyst, Product Analyst, Financial Analyst, Data Analyst, Systems Analyst, Operations Analyst, Risk Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Market Research Analyst and Statistical Analyst

& Skills

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Tableau, SPSS, SAS, Microsoft Power BI, R, SQL TensorFlow, Watson, Trello, Basecamp, Salesforce,  Oracle ERP Cloud, Six Sigma, Lean Methodologies, Data Mining, Process Mapping 

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